Mission House_I Heard A Song I Can't Ignore_Final Studio Cover_4000x4000.jpg

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Behold / Deluxe Single

Mission House / EP

Mission House / EP

Whole Heart / Deluxe Single

Bet All I Have / Single

Bet All I Have / Single

If I Was A Bird / Deluxe Single

I Don’t Have Much / Single

I Don’t Have Much / Single

I Heard A Song I Can’t Ignore / Album

I Heard A Song I Can’t Ignore / Album

Good God / Single

Good God / Single

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Mission House_I Heard A Song I Can't Ignore_Final Studio Cover_4000x4000.jpg

I Heard A Song


Can’t Ignore / Album

I Heard A Song I Can’t Ignore is the way we imagine an answer to the question: what is still true even in the most difficult moments of our lives? Now more than ever, we feel the truth of Jesus’ words, “in this world, you will have trouble.” There’s no denying the struggle of being human. Yet it’s precisely in the middle of that trouble that we hear his promise “Take heart, I have overcome the world.” There are these surprising gifts we find on our hardest days: comfort and peace and hope, that come from the presence of a God who walks with us through sorrow into joy.


Mission House / EP

It all begin here. Wanting to give our at-home worship community in Raleigh, NC something to carry with them throughout the week, we gathered 30-plus friends of our Feast & Feast family in Jess’ living room and recorded seven beautiful songs that were born from spontaneous moments in our weekly gatherings. The result was a truly authentic, intimate live worship experience that breathed a deep hunger for beauty, truth and Jesus. It’s the intangible magic that ensues when friendship gives birth to collaboration and worship in community.

Mission House is

earthy, organic worship music that is a direct extension of God’s goodness and love.